Free to be me

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Dog Friendly Yard & Garden Ideas

..."Plant species such as mintlavender and rosemary will help reduce fleas in Fido. Lavender of course also helps in scar tissue regeneration.
Dog Flea Repelling Plants
Flea Repelling Plants
Other healthy and safe plants for our canine friends to ingest include fruits such as blueberries, strawberries and herbs such as oat grass, and wheat grass.
Here are some other plants that area good to include in your dog sensory garden:
  • Willow: animals experiencing pain will be attracted by a willow's bark.
  • Wheat-grass: good for dogs experiencing anxiety.
  • Birch: helps alleviate inflammation.
  • Marigold: animals who experience emotional distress are attracted to it.
  • Valerian: known for its calming properties.
  • Catnip: helps relax and encourages playfulness in animals.
  • Meadow-sweet: chosen by animals experiencing canine arthritis, rheumatism and digestion problems.
  • Marigold: chosen by animals that are distressed.
Lastly, plants that are safe for dogs also include most vegetables (like apples, carrots, squash, and peas), Nasturtiums, Forsythia, Lilac, Echinacea, Sunflowers, Bamboo, and Catnip."...
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