Free to be me

Monday, March 21, 2022

Meet The Leprechaun Litter!

 I would like to officially introduce you to our Leprechaun Litter. 

Zoo Me’s puppies were born on March 14th 2022, so they are now 7 days/1 week old.

Blue Merle Boy
Alby Sweeney meaning "pleasant" will suit your leprechaun who is sweet, caring, and innocent.
1st Born ~ 11oz 
1lb 7.7oz @ 1 week old

Black Tri Girl
Nora Maher meaning "honourable and majestic" is a popular leprechaun name that suits a character who is honest and dignified.
2nd Born ~ 10oz
lb 5.9oz @ 1 week old

Red Merle Girl
Bree Flynn meaning "higher power that is brightly red in colour" is among the common Irish names that will perfectly describe your leprechaun. Leprechauns were red in colour prior to the 20th century.
3rd Born ~ 9oz
1lb 3.3oz @ 1 week old

Blue Merle Boy
Mannix Fitzpatrick meaning "monk who is a devotee of Saint Patrick" is a name suited for a leprechaun who is faithful to his religion. 
4th Born ~ 10.4oz
1lb 5.1oz @ 1 week old

Black Tri Boy
Fergus Byrne meaning "a raven full of energy" is a bird inspired name for your leprechaun who is full of life.
5th/Final Born ~ 10oz
1lb 4.6oz @ 1 week old