Free to be me

Monday, May 2, 2022

7 week stacks for Zoo Me's kids

 O.k. the kids are 'farm fresh' and ran a little wild this weekend while I traveled back and forth to the show, but I couldn't resist our first formal stack session today for their 7 week birthday! We have been using a lick mat with some pork & venision canned food on it and rewarding them first just for standing on the table, then raising it up a little so they start bringing their head up, then start moving feet, etc... all while they are licking and not paying too much attention. You can tell if you went too far too fast as they will stop licking and look at you like 'hey wait a minute'.

My goal is to have them as comfortable as possible to show me what they have during that 8 week +/- 3 days window for structure evaluations.

Left Top:
Manniz Fitzpatrick, Blue Merle Male, 7lbs @ 7 weeks old
Left Bottom:
Bree Flynn, Red Merle Female, 7lbs @ 7 weeks old
Right Top:
Nora Maher, Black Tri Female, 7lbs 10 oz @ 7 weeks old
Right Middle:
Alby Sweeney, Blue Merle Male, 7lbs 12oz @ 7 weeks old
Right Bottom:
Fergus Byre, Black Tri Male, 6lbs @ 7 weeks old