The pups are getting more familiar with the great outdoors now. This will prepare them for 'potty outside' training and build confidence through adventure walks while we explore during our final few weeks together. ♡
At 6 weeks the puppies' weaning pen, or toddler stall, reaches its max size. Toys are rotated and you can see the puppies interact with them In a completely different way than just a few short weeks ago.
Crate doors have stayed open up to this point. We will s.l.o.w.l.y. build duration on the door being closed on an individual basis. Puppies will not leave us completely *crate trained*, however they will have a positive association with a crate, both wire and plastic airline style.
Potty training advances from here on out as well. We take multiple trips outside during the day and the puppies do potty almost immediately. The box is still offered and pups have been 100% on target with their poo and rarely do I have a potty puddle to mop, but we keep a mop nearby and ready. Empowering puppies to follow their instinct to keep clean is a very important gift we like to give their new families. Of course they will need to take over as there is still work to do. ;)
In a way evaluations begin now as I definitely see personality traits blossoming and will continue to give age appropriate challenges to the puppies to help build problem solving skills which has been proven to help with frustration as an adult.
Thank you for following our journey!